
Mask Guidelines as of June 2021

Posted on July 1, 2021 by in Uncategorized

To our wonderful patients: Despite masking guidelines and social distancing no longer being a State of Oregon mandate for the general public, some entities still require masks. Due to federal guidelines, healthcare facilities are one of them. We know you’re really excited to no longer wear a mask to the grocery store or a restaurant,

Fun Family Activities To Do During Quarantine

Posted on June 16, 2020 by in COVID-19

Kids are stuck inside, can’t be with their friends, play sports, or do normal “kid things.” The quarantine is tough for everyone in the family including the adults and the kids. If you are running out of ideas to keep them occupied, here are some fun activities to do during quarantine. Call Pendleton Family Medicine

Important Insurance Announcement

Posted on January 10, 2019 by in News

We are pleased to announce that our 3 physician assistants and new doctor, Robert Johnson, MD, will again be accepting new Medicare & Medicaid (EOCCO + Open Card) patients! As always our office will continue to see patients with commercial insurance. Call our office today to schedule your appointment today!

Help Us Welcome Dr. Robert Johnson!

Posted on November 19, 2018 by in News

Pendleton Family Medicine Has a New Physician We are excited to announce our newest addition to the Pendleton Family Medicine team! Dr. Robert Johnson, MD has over twenty years of experience as a family practitioner, specializing in diabetes, well child care and minor surgeries. He graduated from medical school at Oregon Health Sciences University and